Hi There!

This blog is a random place for all my creating adventures. It is ment to be loosey goosey, filled with work in progress or unfinished works or even complete randomness. Please check out the links to the right to see finished pieces. Thank you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Years REsolution

a bit late I supose, happy 2009!
hope everything is going well for you

I like the idea of the resolution for the new year, although I would say it does not have to be the New Year to start making some changes in your life either :P
ANYWAY..the list ..in no order.

1) start to do at least 1 BG of a concept each week
2) sketch/do studies of anatomy (of everything) everyday
3) Go to the life drawing sessions on saturdays or go to the anatomy class on mondays(?)
4) Make a more conscious effort to use less plastic water bottles and get a Britta filter XP
5) Buy more organically grown foods and eat out less!
6) Fold CLothes when laundry is done............
7) .....makes sure my academic director knows my name.... -_______-

..oh I I guess work in 3d programs every once and a while.... hahaha